Sunday, 10 March 2013


Join today FREE!!!

The site has a new more professional look.

10th March 2013

HRS has a new more professional look, and it looks amazing so thought I would do an update with the new look.

We are now on day six yesterday I took my shares up to 66 so for the past 24 hours been running on 4.5% on 66 share that gives me $2.97 per day.

As you can see at the time of typing this update I am close to a new ad pack just another $0.66. My goal at the moment is to get to $5 per day and that is when I will be introducing stage two of this adventure.

If my predictions are correct I should be there by the end of the week.

I have not put my mother in laws money just yet planning on doing that tomorrow. When that goes in I will be on at least $4.00 per day,

So my wish for you is that you join me on this exciting adventure with HRS and you join the fast start program.

I will leave you with a couple of questions I have had over the past couple of days.

As always don't forget to Share + 1 Re-tweet and follow.

speak soon

Dean T

Why are you starting with such small amounts?

I didn't want to scare anyone I am a people's person and If I see a new business saying join for just $500 it is sometimes a bit scary so want to do it with about £20 to wet people's feet if they are brand new to network marketing.

Also it was not my intention but starting off with such little amounts is great for existing well established Network marketers to use this system with the people who always have intentions of starting with a business but never do because they don't want to say I can not afford that. I know we all have them Jeez I used to be one of them. 

How long will it take for you to get to the stage when you can withdraw an income?

Depends how Much in initially start with the way I am doing it I will start drawing in about 3 months using HRS alone however my plan is a little more complex than just using HRS my plan is to hit the $5 per day and   buying shares in HRS every other day. On the off days use that money to start Rican  and how it will work is that HRS will Feed Rican that will then pay me. Will be explaining that in the next couple of weeks.

Do I have a safety net plan?

There is an element of risk in every new business so for the 17 days NO!! Day 17 at the latest is when The Rican plan kicks in and that will be somewhat of a safety net/ back up but the solid safe plan will not be in place until I start drawing on Rican. Now that comment might scare some but it all boils down to what you put in to start with to how quick you get to your safety net if you start with lets say $500 you can start funding Rican  at day 3 or start withdrawing on day yes I do have a safety plan that don't start just yet.

Speak to you all tomorrow 

Phase 2
Phase 1                                           
Dean T 



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