Thursday, 21 March 2013

Day 17

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Daily update 

First of all I would like to apologize for the lateness of today's update. I did try to start it earlier but I am currently in the lounge and my 12 week old daughter had her jabs today and as been grumpy and I promised the Mrs I would come out of the office and sit in the lounge today.

But everyone is now in bed so back to work.

Secondly  I posted a blog about 9 pm it was just an email That I had received from HRS and I don't know what I did different but that blog is my post viewed blog in this series so Thank you.

Right down to business.

Day 17 as you recall yesterday I informed you that it was a double day today and these will start coming frequently now I believe the next one is on Saturday or Sunday. for the moment I am going to stick to the plan of keep the change. However after I have got rid of my initial $23, $33 and $28 I will use these double days to fund Rican.

But after further looking into the plan I realized that these double days will boost me further than originally planned so I will not fall so hard when they mature. Not done the maths yet! But I am hopingI will be above the ten dollar mark and won't go below that in the next 13 days.

With that said as you can see I am at 159 shares in this screen shot I have just added my second shares so while I am typing this I am on 164 shares. So I am currently earning $7.38 I believe per day. does not sound a lot I grant you  but that is $221 over 30 days.

I am as you can see on 2 members but not worried about that because with HRS and Rican 

Another thing I wanted to address is the sign up 

If you want to sign up to HRS or Rican you need a payment processor before you start I currently use STP

Create a FREE account here!!!

 If you have a Payza account I also recommend Egopay easy to set up and link your Payza account to it

Both HRS and Rican use both of the above if you have got one of the payment processors you can start earning NOW and your first payment will show in your rebate balance 60 min from now. 

Another question I got asked is Do we have to start with such a little amount?

NO you can start with as little as $5 but you can put $100 in if you want you can jump straight to a Premium pack or a VIP pack if you like. let me explain.

I started of with such a little amount because, I wanted to show you you can make life changing with prise of a pizza.

But if you jump straight into a VIP pack (min of $1000) you will earn $65 per day. that means in 5 days you could earn a $300 pack which is a premium earning you $16.50 per day so are the end of the 30 VIP pack you would have earned 6 premium packs earning you $99 per day you build that $99 for 3 days you have more or less another premium pack build up to 120 active share per day then you stop buying premiums and build your earnings to another VIP you will build a stable income within a month or so.

A friend of mine who I am going to share his video with you as been at this 60 days and he is earning off 12000 shares. withdrawing $300 per day for his own pocket and still purchasing a VIP pack. Good money can be made and with draws are always on time I am assured from Darren and the Video will show you that.

With that said I am going leave you with that Video 

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Speak to you tomorrow 

Dean T.

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