Sunday, 27 July 2014

ZUKUL Game plan stage two.


The ZUKUL Game plan will have three phases this is phase two

If all is going well you should have 3 people going through the GET RISK FREE GAME PLAN (phase 1) quite happily.

and while those three are finding their three you are finding your next batch of three.

So let us say that your first three have run with it and doing what you have done and their have done the same and their three have done the same.

Please let me stress this almost never happens.....

But let us say that it did  you would have earned 
$30 on your top three  3x10 =30
$45 on their three's      9x5 = 45
and $108 on their three 27x4= 108

we are going to minus $25 because that is how much you have paid to get in so your wallet should have $158 in it 

Now in the past we have had people doing the bare minimum and then scrambling around for the next monthly payment.

In My team I am strongly advising that you don't upgrade until you have 2 months in reserve.

So in the intermediate level  monthly cost is $50 
So a before you upgrade I recommend you don't upgrade until you have at least $100 in the pot. If phase one as gone to plan you will have $158 in the pot so that means you will have $50 for your first month and $100 in reserve for month 2&3.

Let me tell you why. i you don't need to worry about I have to find $50 for 30 days time 

and secondly if your team are doing the same as you they will follow you into the funnel.

So when your first three follow you up you will earn $4.20 on each ($12.60) every month 
When their three follow them up you will earn $2.52 on each ($22.68) every month 
and when their three do the same you will earn $2.10 on each ($56.70) every month

So if you personally are repeating phase one you will be earning $183 per  batch of three who is following the game plan. (remember you only take the $25 out once)

and $91.98 on your first batch of three that have joined you in the funnel.

That is $274.98 Just by repeating once 

and your second batch of three can only fit in your funnel in the numbers of the levels 3,9,27,81,243 and so on 

so in a perfect world if everyone is following and putting into practice this system your funnel should fill up rather quickly.

Hope this is clear if you have any question contact me comment below and I will answer  them as quick as I can.

Dean T

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