As we all know there are a lot of scams on the internet, and that is why it is good to follow someone who is willing to get scammed so you don't.
However I was talking to someone today who said sometimes the upline is the real scammers.
After asking to explain they said I have worked with a couple of upline that take your downline before sharing the new opportunity with you.
in other words The take their top recruiters downline (where contact info is available) email all their downline first to tell them about the next big thing then when everyone is recruited the bring in their top recruiters so they have to start from scratch if they wanna earn any money.
I can tell you that does not happen at CGT income boost and if you are doing that let me tell you people will realize and people will stop following you.
Now don't get me wrong I have no problem if Bob who as brought in 32 recruits and is not interested in your next opportunity then you targeting his down line.
These people don't see the bigger picture that if you are doing this to your top recruits they are probably going to open two account 1 where they do nothing and just rely on spillover and the second where they recruit like mad but you don't see a penny of it.
That is my little whine today hope you are all well and don't forget to take a look at Penny Matrix the fastest growing opportunity today
click here for more info
Speak soon
Dean T
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