Sunday, 10 November 2013

Found the track again

The Main Goal  of this year was to earn enough money to to take my family to DisneyLand at Christmas 2013.

When I started this in April I was not anticipating moving house. HRS turning and running. So with this in mind Christmas 2013 we are not going to disney. However that does not mean I will not make the money to do that.

Let me explain I still have Adhits Profits that as a trickle of income I am going to use that income to start building my capital again. and  I will be doing that in the weeks or so.

We also have Penny Matrix This is the main puppy at the moment  this is costing me $7 per month and you can buy recruits from a company called Pinoy Recruiters. This is about to explode and all you have to do is find 2 people. or you can purchase your personal referrals. the best thing about this Matrix is you don't have to wait for it to be full your 2 people find 2 people your in payday. and if their two people get 2 people your matching bonus kicks in.

So Penny Matrix is the mouth of this new path. The feeder of the mouth is going to be a company call Top Capitalist this is a three year old company that you earn 8% per day that is $2 per day for 15 days per unit.

The Units are a minimum $25. at the moment a $25 tester is up and running it as been running for 7 Paydays I say Pay days because Top Capitalist pays Monday to Friday so you earn a $5 profit when it runs.

So TC is going to be the feeder for the Mouth. So I will be building the $25's from other hyips that I come across and I will not be Drifting this time I am focused on what needs to be done to build my capital.

The Main Goal this season is NOT DRIFT!!! I will be earning the money to cover any new opportunities coming.

And the most important thing is I am going to make sure MY Team is Making the money. I am sick to death of so called Gurus always giving you the next awesome opportunities and get everyone in and before you make money they are on to the next big thing.

That is not how I work the three opportunities above is what I am building on and I will not share another opportunity with you guys until I am confident that you are making money.

I am going to leave it there at the moment

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and speak to you all very soon

Dean T

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