Saturday, 30 March 2013

Day 26

Day 26 update

30th March 2013

Hey folks just thought I would give you a full update on how things are going.

We are on day 26 of HRS that as been launch around 116 days not and rumors are running wild on the net So I have got this statement off the site regarding such matters.

HRS is getting some “bad press” online at the moment, with the fallout and disruption caused by the LR theft taking effect. The unavoidable slowing of payouts as a result of the additional workload have given some folk the idea that we are withholding payments and that HRS is in trouble and on the way out.

Nothing could be further from the truth, we are still rock solid and will continue to be, it’s just a matter of managing our way through these trying times. What we need most is your support and your patience. We are working very hard and very long hours behind the scenes to make improvements in our service delivery and our support. Our reputation is of the utmost importance, without it… well, it’s unthinkable. We are family, so let’s pull together and support one another and help HRS and you to continue to grow and prosper. Together we can do it. All we are asking for is your patience and Positivity and we can all look to a bright and wealthy future. Our members ARE HourlyRevShare, be as proud of us as we are of you and let’s thrive together.

LR really as a lot to answer answer for but Please remember LR is a payment processor that HRS used to pay their members. if you are with with STP Perfect money or egopay everything still running smoothly.

Another new thing that is starting today is that withdrawals are only happening from (Monday to Friday) this is due to growing members and work load. I understand that you withdrawal will still get processed over the weekend but that is catching up on the work load from the business days no new withdraw requests will be taken Saturday and Sunday.

With that said I am confident that HRS is here for the long haul. so the time to start using is now!!!!!

Anyway back to the update I am currently on 240 shares earning me a very nice $10.80 per day.

 Rican is still sorting out the LR fiasco however  am assured That this will be rectified very very soon. and anyone who as already deposited your funds are safe and still earning.

So that is the update today so Why don't you decide to take action today and collect your free fast start program.

don't forget to share + 1 and re-tweet and speak to you all very very soon.

Dean T.  

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