Friday, 3 May 2013

May is looking Mad

OK Sorry I have not posted for a couple of days just being real busy putting things in order.

Right update for all


In HRS I have purchased my first premium pack. That means That the earnings will start speeding up now.

So at the moment I have a total of $782 in my HRS account that is $482 earning me 4.5% and $300 earning me 5.5%.

Earning me a daily income of $38.19 per day if I stop re depositing there so as you can see I broke 2 more targets this week I broke the $20 per day mark and also the $1 per hour target.

Also a brand new addition to to the fast start program is a LIVE calculator

This is an amazing too not only to show prospects (if you choose to go down that path) How HRS works and also gives a time frame to when the bigger pack will come in. But it will also give you a time frameon your own personal account.

It also calculate the 30/70 split HRS has on withdraw and the 3% withdraw fees and tells you what you will receive in your Payment Processor account (excl FEES)

It is very exciting at the moment because I will be buying my next premium plan in just a few weeks .


Win 1 Has also stepped up this last week.
 As you can see I have earned a total of $517.04 not bad fora $36 total deposit huh!!!  I have withdrawn $219.35 with this system. The referrals have also gone up too I have 6 people in and three active.

I have made $26.32 in referral Commissions. people have been asking what is my plan in win 1. I started with $10 in the 7 day daily and $10 in the 3 day daily  I withdraw the 7 day daily that last night I up to $15 deposit so that part earns me $3.30  per day  and with the 3 day plan I got to $15 per day then I re-deposited making $3 lots of $15 then after 3 days i went to $17 for 3 days then  $19 and so on and withdrawing what you have left to get to the most important zero risk.

another plan you can do is $50 in the after 3 day plan that will earn you $15 profit plus $50 Principle after the first 3 days put the $15 in a 3 day daily and follow the above plan and redeposit the $50 after the second  3 day up your deposit $5 ($55) withdraw the $10 (to get to zero risk) and the re-deposit $5 every 3 days withdrawing what is left.

you don't have to follow these plans of course. It is your money at the end of the day.

Quick one on this I personally are keeping FF to a minimum. Anyone who works with me I knows I try and keep Damage to a complete bare minimum and the problem with fairy is a couple of weeks ago they did a security update and I believe they made the site too safe.

and there as been an increase of problems of people not been able to withdraw their \money. Now personally I have had No problems but I had 2 lots of $5 in the 20 day plan  I now have one and will keep it at one. due to the fact of the next review.


Reality Funds Is the newest member of the CGT income boost portfolio and they have some crazy crazy returns like for a $5 deposit for 30 days you get a 3000% return yes that is right you can turn $5 into $150 in 30 days.

Also remember the 20 day fairy fund plan I have running ???? Well in reality funds I can do the same plan but here is is a 5 day plan. 
 so that means By the end of Next month if all is running like it is right now I will be earning 5 figures every 5 days. this is anew system been running about 6 days so if this stays alive as long as Fairy funds have Disney is defo.

They also have a promotion on at the moment that gives you 6% Referral commissions rather than 5% which is the norm they have extended that for one more week. I am in the middle of the first stage of the plan but it looks a little like this.

Date Invest Payout WITHDRAW
05/05/13 10 30 10
10/05/13 20 60 20
15/05/13 40 120 40
20/05/13 80 240 80
25/05/13 160 480 160
30/05/13 320 960 320
04/06/13 640 2816 1816
09/06/13 1000 4400 2400
14/06/13 2000 11600 8600
19/06/13 3000 21000 16000
24/06/13 5000 35000 25000
So to say I am a little excited is an understatement 

As always I will keep you up to date with everything going on.

don't forget to share re-tweet and  + 1

and I will speak to you very very soon

Dean T.

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