Sunday, 16 June 2013


My children's favorite Disney money is Toy Story and Woody the main Character in that film says reach for the stars all the time.  

Now don't worry I have not lost the plot, there is a reason I have opened with that explanation.

With the changes in HRS that is happening at the moment. and the unclear updates that have been issued by the admin. another opportunity that we had in the pipe line as come to the fore front and want to share this with you guys today.

But I am not going to do it in text form I am going to give it to you in video form Then I will explain the power behind this.

So Click here to view the You tube Video.

Ok I am guessing you have now watched that (if not go and watch it because the rest will not make any sense)

I know it is a bigger start up to what I normally post however it is just a one time only cost and in a few days you will get $300 of the $315 back  so technically this opportunity is only costing you $15.

and for those  who have been following me for a while now you know I don't like excuses.

If your reading this you want to make money online. I appreciate some of you are watching to see if I get to Disney at Christmas and that is still the goal by the way.

But I am now talking to the people who are looking for an awesome opportunity.  This is it.

Now some of the excuses  I have heard over the last 24 hours is.

I am Crap at recruiting my answer to that is SO.

the e- pins are the most powerful tool in this system because once you have your initial 2 you don't have to recruit any other person but once you cash out of a grid I have an e-pin with that e-pin i place the clone me under the person who needs a person to qualify for payment.

So if you join today and you get your best mate Sam signed up you need to qualify you need one more person and I got my first e-pin I am going to put that e-pin in your second spot because it is in my best interest That you follow me through. and the next time I get an e-pin I will help my second person qualify unless the second person as already qualified then I am going to put it under my clone, because it is in your best interest that my clone now follows you through.

The second thing is the physical tools you get with RCC. Now these tools are well worth the $315 on there own in fact I got in not understanding the system I just wanted the e-books audio books and defo the x sky and sky scraper software.

So I am not going to bombard you with info if you get it get in touch so I can place you in the team.

DO NOT!!!! 

Just go to the RCC website and sign up because you might get placed in a team that have no clue how powerful this is.

get in touch with me 


Skype: dean.thrumble

So you can be placed so you can get the best support in the fastest growing team.

As always share + 1 re-tweet also subscribe to the you tube channel as more videos will be posted regarding this over the next 24 hours.

Speak soon 
Take action 

Dean T

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