Wednesday, 8 May 2013

turn a 2 day plan into a 3 day plan

I have been trying to make a plan up doe the two day daily for the last week. As the 2 day plan don't work as well as win1's 3 day daily.

But both Reality   and Miracle both have 2 day plan so I think I have got it turn the 2 day plan into a 3 day plan.

That will work something like this. (I am using $100 for demonstration purposes only)


eg.(based on reality) day 0 $100 deposit
day 1 $100 =$60 earned 100% re-deposit
day 2 $160 = $96 withdraw
day 3 $60 = $36 withdraw (earnings $132 rather than $120)

target $$$ is 167 in reality that will earn you $100.20 day 1 day 2 you will earn $160 to withdraw day three earn $60

Target for miracle is $183 same principle as above. 

hope this helps

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Dean T

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