Wednesday, 30 April 2014

Phase 2 of the.....

Pay It Forward game plan.

A lot of people have been expressing concern That they have not made enough money to cover all three of their PIF's.

When I start any business my first thought is how quick can I get risk free. While I was looking at the pay it forward game plan I quickly realized that to maximize this game plan I am going to have to qualify my two Pifs.

This does two things 

1. It doubles my income. Because you get the 50% matching bonus on my pif cycles 

2. My Pifs become self sufficient They can upgrade themselves and they can also renew themselves.

What I like about Spinding is in the marketing suite there is a training on how to promote in the task of the days 

so you promote your PIF links but use your earnings screen shots and one who comes in will see that it is working and when they join they come under your PIFs

Or you can use your earnings to get them qualified 

as soon as you hit $30 pay someone in under PIF 1 when you earn another $30 you pay another person in for PIF 1 PIF 1 is now qualified and instead of you earning $1 per Bravo cycle you are now earning $1.50

and you repeat that for PIF 2 you have now doubled your Bravo Cycles.

Not only have you doubled your income but you have just slashed the number of cycles needed to earn the $300 per month on Bravo by half.

So that is the kind of structure you should be focused on.

once you have that structure in place then you can start building wide. I also recommend  that you try and get 3,4,5,6 as networkers so you don't have to worry about them however if you place family members in there you just repeat the process that you did but you are using 1&2's earnings instead of your own.

This way you will have three people helping you with renewals not just 1.

Hope this as helped.

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Dean T

Thursday, 24 April 2014

1 Month in.......

lets see what is happening.

OK thought I would just post a quick update with what is happening in Spinding.

If you don't know what I do I start business' at the minimum requirements and see how quick the average Joe with no big lists can get to decent additional income.

so The 21st of March 2014 I joined Spinding I paid $30 for myself then the 24th of March I paid for my Girlfriend and my Brother. so my total risk was $90.

So I followed the Pif (Pay It Forward) game plan.

I have Just renewed the positions for a second month. not paid a penny out of my pocket and below you will see my total earnings over the last month.

So My total earnings is $397.00 in one month my two Pay It Forwards are qualified also so they are now renewing themselves.

that is why the spent on upgrades are at $220.00  I am at Delta now which is the second level and qualified so my out of pocket expense is still $90 however My pending balance $177.00 so that means I am $87 in profit.

we have been averaging around 10,000 new paid members per week  what happens now in week one of month two gets really exciting. If we stay at this average of 10,000 per week new members They will help us all cycle. however the 10,000 that joined and paid in week one are up for renewal those 10,000 are classed as paid members again so we are expecting 20,000 people coming into spinding this week alone.

So is Spinding working is it the real deal. YOU CAN BET YOUR BOTTOM DOLLAR IT IS!!!!


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Speak to you all soon

Dean T.

Tuesday, 1 April 2014

Do you want to earn $13k per month or....

$13k per week??????

Big numbers I know but just stick with me.

We have just got into a business called Spinding and it is working really really well.

However I didn't want to have the same situation as we have had before I want everyone to make money in this. and so far everyone is!!!!

Whats the secret I hear you say

Well I have a two step plan for the people who can't recruit.

Every one as got the people in their lives that you want them to join you in a business online but they just will not bite the bullet take the leap of faith.

Step one:-

so you pay in your wife your brother your mum your dad your son your daughter whoever. That means you are qualified and you are earning.

if you start off at Bravo level that will cost you $108 all together including processing fees.
but you get $12 back because you get $6 per referral.

But step two you can approach a couple of different ways 

Step Two a.:-

You can start promoting Spinding using one of the two links you have just brought in. So say your two PIFS ( Pay it Forwards) are your Brother and your Wife 

You promote your Brothers Link because he is not qualified yet. 

and in the Ads you place your earning proofs (because people love seeing Proof)

but you use your brothers Link

when your Brother get two sign ups the you change the link to your WIFE till she gets her sign ups.

Now if you are like me I have had one person sign up under my Wife  so she needs one more person to qualify herself.

and this is where step two b. comes in

Step Two b:

Because you are earning and we are lead to believe that this is going to cycle 10 times per day That means on the Bravo Pack you are going to be earning $10 per day and the grid below is all you need to worry about.

so I have put together a plan where you can qualify your two referrals (1&2).

and this is how that works out.

Date Purchase Bonus Earning Piff Profit
25/03/14 30 12 22


32 30





32 30
5 17

5 32 30
5 17

5 32 30
10 20

10 40

10 60

10 80

10 100

10 120

10 140

10 160

11/04/14 60 10 180
30 60

13/04/14 120 30 120

14/04/14 70 140
15/04/14 240 70 280
16/04/14 150 300

17/04/14 480 150 600
310 620

19/04/14 960 310 1240
20/04/14 630 1260
630 1260

630 1260

23/04/14 630 1260
630 1260

25/04/14 30 630 1260

So you have Paid in your $30 you have earned already $12 for your two referrals and you are earning $10 per day 

so at the end of your first day you have $22 end of your second day you have $30. it only costs $30 for the Bravo pack.

So you can either Prospect someone under the terms that they too follow this plan you offer to pay them in.
OR Like I have done got the Mother in law in to fill that position.

So there is a button (or there will be as of the time of writing this) a PIF Button. 

you Pay number 3 in using your balance. and then you start againg this time you have $2 earning $10 per day now don't forget you are still promoting while you are earning. but if no one joins in the 3 days it takes to reach $30 again you do exactly the same for position 4.  Qualifying your number one. you are now earning on top of your $10 per day a 50% matching bonus. So for doing that you are earning an Extra $5 per day  

Now you start promoting number twos link This time it only takes two days to reach the $30 because you are earning more and you just repeat the above. 

when you have filled 5&6 you have not only just qualified you top two  you have also doubled your income.

and that as taken 9 days if no one as joined from outside. and I have worked out it takes 3 days to build up enough money to upgrade to the next level.

So you pass this plan to your downline and they do the same to get their two qualified. then three days to earn enough to upgrade also.

So you just sit back and let the money build untill your two are earning Two 50% matching bonus's and have enough to qualify.

then you upgrade and your two directs do the same thing at the same time. so now you have upgraded you are now earning $30. Now it does not matter that 3,4,5&6 are not quite ready to upgrade just yet they will follow very soon. but you just keep following the plan by the end of the month you will be earning $1260  per day and you will continue that for the rest of your days.

Hope this as been simple to understand.

if you have any questions contact me via

SKYPE dean.thrumble
or just place a comment below this blog.

Hope to speak to you soon 

Dean T

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